MICE на мітинговій зустрічі є великим хітом у Флоренції


Villa il Garofalo, is a historical dwelling overlooking the city of Florence, formerly belonging to Dante Alighieri and now property of the noble Rimbotti family. Its classic halls and grounds formed the backdrop for MICE-in-the-bag’s latest popup event. The event, as with the previous ones held in London and Stockholm used the unique formula of…

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  • The event, as with the previous ones held in London and Stockholm used the unique formula of….
  • Villa il Garofalo, is a historical dwelling overlooking the city of Florence, formerly belonging to Dante Alighieri and now property of the noble Rimbotti family.
  • Its classic halls and grounds formed the backdrop for MICE-in-the-bag's latest popup event.


Про автора

Головний редактор доручень

Головний редактор завдання - Олег Сізяков

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